Texas Pipe and Supply

Leading Distributor of Carbon and Stainless Steel Pipe Since 1918.


Jerry Rubenstein Accepts Award

Earlier this year, Jerry Rubenstein, co-owner of Texas Pipe & Supply Co., was nominated by a committee of past NASPD Presidents as a recipient in to the "Hall of Fame." The Hall of Fame recipients are those persons who have made a signi? cant difference in and served in the pipe industry continuously for a minimum of 30 years. According to the NASPD website, "Candidates have made a unique and special contribution to the industry, have been considered a "pillar" of the industry, or have grown their company to be an industry segment leader." Involvement in the NASPD is not a requirement, and individuals from both NASPD members and non-members are eligible. Congratulations to Jerry on this very special award and his commitment and dedication to his employees, his customers, the community, and the pipe industry, by setting a great example for all.

Published: Sunday, October 30, 2011